What is Residential Respite Care
If you need help every day, you may need to have a short stay in an aged care home. This is called ‘residential respite care’, and can happen on a planned or emergency basis. The Aged Care Assessment Service will approve respite care. Those eligible for respite care are able to utilise up to 63 days of residential care each financial year. Yarrawonga Health accepts 2 week minimum blocks of respite care. Emergency respite care is also available and can be arranged at short notice.
Basic Daily Fee
All residents in aged care (both permanent and respite) are required to pay the basic daily care fee. The basic daily fee Is a contribution towards care and living expenses such as meals, power and laundry. For some people this is the only fee they are required to pay. This amount is set by the Government and applies to all residents entering aged care.
Resident Agreement
The Resident Agreement will provide details on things such as services, fees, and rights and responsibilities. It is a legal agreement between you and your aged care home. You/Power of Attorney will be required to sign a respite agreement on admission
For further information or to book respite please contact
Kate Marshall, Operational Director of Aged Care. Phone 03 57 438 129 Email. Kate.Marshall@yh.org.au